POKUS Berlin is part of the network YACI – International Young Art Criticism.

YACI is an international confederation that brings together art critics from various nationalities. Today, the Berlin-based collective POKUS and the Parisian collective Jeunes Critiques d’Art are starting to work together to constitute the new confederation. Other collectives in London, Switzerland, Montreal, and Taipei are currently being developed.

YACI is an independent online magazine, without advertisements, which brings together texts written by the collectives’s authors. Most of the publications are available in their original language and in English, so that a lot of international readers can access them. YACI is a collection of artistic, intellectual and sensory discoveries from around the world, shared by writers who are committed to a critique that is independent, at the service of the artists and addressed at the general public.

Most of the texts published by POKUS Berlin are written in German and are translated into English. Both versions are available on our main online magazine pokusberlin.com. The English version is likewise to be found on YACI.

visit YACI International